API Documentation

DriveBird Network - API


The DriveBird Network API lets you programmatically manage your assets and other static resources using conventional HTTP requests. Any action that you can perform through the DriveBird Network Control Panel (except for creating access tokens and billing management) can also be performed with the API.

Endpoints and response type

You need to use POST method and JSON object as raw body content to: https://www.drivebird.com/api for every request. There are no dedicated endpoints for each API. All APIs should be pointed to the above mentioned URL.

Response type is always JSON. No matter what, three keys will always be present.

    Response master keys:
  1. status (integer): By using status code you will know if your request was successful or error.
  2. errors (numeric array): List of errors string if occurred else empty.
  3. data (object): All relative data as a response of your request.


    "status": 200,
    "errors": [],
    "data": {
        "msg": "The asset has been uploaded",
        "url": "https://cdn.drivebird.com/storage/user-id/bucket-name/20220103-161644-632-file-name.jpg"

API status and explanation

The status is a numeric number which represents the result-type of the API call. This is the same as HTTP Status Code.

status code Details regarding status code
200 No error occurred. You have your requested data in the data parameter.
400 Your requested parameter or structure is wrong.
401 You are not authorized to access. Please check your access key and access token.
403 Forbidden, we can not provide data for the request.
404 Request success but there is no data to provide.
500 Something went wrong on the server side. Try again later or contact us.
503 Service is unavailable, may be in development mode.

For more details about the code visit RestAPITutorial.

Calling the APIs

The status can be divide into two section. One is common and other one is request (application) specific. Please see below for common status codes. Application specific code status can be found on application API page.

status code Details regarding status code
200 No error occurred. You have your requested data in the data parameter.
400 Your requested parameter or structure is wrong.
401 You are not authorized to access. Please check your access key and access token.
403 Forbidden, we can not provide data for the request.
404 Request success but there is no data to provide.
500 Something went wrong in server side. Try again later or contact us.
503 Service is unavailable, may be in development mode.

For more details about the code visit RestAPITutorial website.

In-case if you are having difficulties calling the APIs OR you need a new API - let us know!.

API test and debug

Paste the payload JSON body and hit submit button.

The response will be displayed here.


Functionality available through the API, allowing you to script the complex actions that your situation requires.

Name Purpose Payload
Test Testing.

ChatBot Exchange text with ChatBot

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